
  • Rooted in Andean tradition, this style of energy work supports the entire holographic energy field – physical body, emotional body, mental body, soul body, and energetic matrix as a whole. Sacred space is held while guiding each client through their own healing journey. In a session we work the issue at its root, where it is stored in the physical, emotional, or spiritual/energetic, bringing healing and transformation to the whole system.

    Each Shamanic session is unique to the person and the issue being worked with at the time.

    Using aspects of the modality such as removing intrusive energy, crystallized energy, cord cutting, soul retrievals, and destiny retrievals assist in releasing and letting go of old stories, patterns, and limiting belief systems.

    At the end of the session there will be an integration to support the new engagement/shift that has taken place, and anchor in your new frequency.


  • This is a customizable experience that is designed to meet you exactly where you’re at by identifying a clear path to where you’re going and what you’re creating. The approach is to create alignment through energy work done together, while also helping to cultivate practices that assist you in deepening your awareness of self. This mentorship has many modalities that can be incorporated such as emotional intelligence, shamanic practices, yoga, energy work, (massage if local), and breathing techniques.

    *Please inquire for pricing

  • To inquire about more information and scheduling for a private cacao ceremony catered to the specific needs of your event click HERE

  • To inquire about more information and scheduling for a private sound bath event catered to the specific needs of your event click HERE

  • If you, or someone you know, would like to set up a time to have the energy of your home or business cleared please inquire HERE